Monday, August 12, 2019

About those NIGHT SWEATS!


Ugh! Just the the thought of waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat is enough to make you sweat.  Night sweats can not only prevent you from getting a good night's sleep  -- they can also cause anxiety and prevent your partner from resting. Combine this with pesky daytime hot flashes and you've got a recipe for disaster. Not Sweat Plus has you covered! 

Night Time Basics:  

Take a bath with tepid water before bed.  Add No Sweat Plus FIX Herbal Blend to your bath water and soak.  If you prefer to shower, simply massage No Sweat Plus FIX Herbal Blend into wet skin after showering.  Don't forget to rub FIX onto the soles of your feet! (See the post How To Use Your No Sweat Product Line for details).  

Sleep in a cool room.  

Stay hydrated!  Drink cool water an hour before going to bed.

Take Conquer All Natural Hormone Balancing Herbal Tincture just before going to bed.  Consider taking a natural night time relaxant such as valerian root if your night sweats are severe.  

Place a No Sweat Plus Cooling Towel, SLAY Hot Flash Cooling Mist and bottled or cool water on a night stand near your bed.  At the first sign of a night sweat, mist yourself with SLAY, then wet the cooling towel.  Next pat your face, and apply the cooling towel to the back and/or front of neck, or the back of your knees, inner wrists, or the inner area where your forearm, upper arm and elbow meet.  Applying the cooling towel to these areas for a minute or two will quickly cool you off.  Your towel will remain wet for about 6 hours.  If you need to take a drink of water, go for it.

For severe night sweats -- place a clean towel and foot massager near your bed and fill with ice water before bed.  At the first sign of a night sweat, place your feet in the water for a few seconds or a minute or so.  This will quickly cool you off.  Reapply FIX Herbal Blend as necessary.   

Use a few drops of No Sweat Plus Hormone Balancing Diffuser Oil Blend (coming soon)in your diffuser and let it run all night.  Spray SLAY Hot Flash Cooling Mist on your pillow case before going to sleep.

Do not wear socks to bed.  Do not cover your feet with bedding.  Socks and bedding hold and promote body heat.  Leave room at the end of your bedding for your bare feet to extend out from bedding.

Sleep naked or wear light night gowns made from cotton. Avoid, sleepwear made from flannel, silk, satin, and synthetic fabrics

Avoid wearing heavy head wraps to bed.  If you must wrap your hair, purchase a wrap made from moisture wicking fabric and/or embedded cooling gel strips.

Use cool cotton bedding or bedding made with moisture wicking fabrics. This goes for your entire bedding ensemble  including sheets, pillow cases, duvets, and comforters. 

Track your night sweats by making a mental note of what time they begin and end.  This will allow you to rearrange your sleep hours if necessary.  For instance, if your hot flashes usually bother you between 3am and 6am, go to bed by 8 or 9pm to insure you get several hours of uninteruppted rest. 

Relax with meditation, soothing music or affirmations before bed.  Wind down.

BE VIGILANT!   It is imperative that you use the recommended products in the No Sweat Plus line religiously as suggested.  Using these products and leading a healthy lifestyle will help to balance your hormones and before you know it -- the frequency of night sweats, hot flashes (and all of those pesky symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause) will vastly decrease or go away completely.  I love it when ladies reach out to me and tell me they slept the entire night without having a night sweat.  When your hormones are balanced, nights turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and so on. 

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