Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Note:  In most instances, using No Sweat’s products together will give you the most beneficial results.   Slay – our cooling spray will provide relief from hot flashes and night sweats instantaneously.  Fix – our roll on preparation will provide symptomatic relief from hot flashes and a variety of menopausal symptoms – but, it also works deeper.  With regular use, FIX pumps up and tones female hormones setting up a pathway for more than symptomatic relief.  Conquer – our line of female friendly tinctures work to balance female hormones and bring long term relief.   With regular use of these products, healthy diet, and regular exercise – living a hot flash free life will be NO SWEAT!  

NO SWEAT COOLING SPRAY – SLAY is a cooling mist that will knock out hot flashes and night sweats in an instant.  Just one or two pumps of this soothing blend of essential oils, purified water and other ingredients will bring relief in seconds.  Slay is also great for use after workouts or vigorous activity.    Mist directly onto neck, chest, wrist, behind neck or knees.  You may also pump and inhale. Use as needed.  Shake, Spray, and Slay those hot flashes and night sweats!!

NO SWEAT “FIX” ROLL ON – Not only does this roll on relieve hot flashes and night sweats with a quick roll on the wrist or neck – it also works to FIX the hormonal issues that cause you to sweat.  Over time, this custom blend of essential oils works to tone and balance a woman’s hormones.  When used regularly, the ingredients will help to relieve hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, heart palpitations, mood swings, insomnia, and more.  Remember to always gently shake FIX before use. Roll FIX onto the bottom of your feet every night and each morning.  Vigorously rub into skin.  Roll onto wrists and pulse points as necessary during the day.  FIX can also be used as a massage oil, bath oil, and diffuser oil.  Place 30 drops into bath water.  Use as you wish in diffuser. 

NO SWEAT “PURR” Vaginal Moisturizer – This all natural blend of essential oils is an excellent moisturizer and lubricant.  Purr relieves vaginal dryness on the spot, and keeps on working!  Use it up to three times per day initially.  Purr repairs vaginal membranes over time and keeps walls moist and pliable with regular use.  Once vaginal dryness improves, simply use Purr as needed.  Apply Purr to outside and inside of vagina with clean fingers.

NO SWEAT’S LINE OF CONQUER TINCTURESSage and Motherwort Tinctures have been used for centuries to alleviate perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms.  Sage works as a refrigerant, helping to keep your body cool.  While Sage provides excellent on the spot relief for hot flashes and night sweats– it is even more powerful when used over time.  Motherwort is truly a mothering herb that will “mother” a woman from PMS to childbearing on into menopause.  It has an estrogen-like impact on a woman’s body and works to tone and balance the entire adrenal system.  Motherwort will also relieve hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, low energy levels, weight gain, mood swings, heart palpitations and more. Take 20-30 drops of both tinctures in water, green tea, or juice three times per day.* Avoid sugary beverages

Coming Soon -- KNOW SWEAT ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS FOR MASSAGE, DIFFUSER, & BATH,  Balance those female hormones and relax at the same time!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Got Hot Flashes?? NO Sweat!! Your All Natural guide to getting rid of them in a Flash!

Hot Flashes -- Yuck! - two of the dirtiest words in the entire world. Yes, that's right. These two words used together are dirtier than any curse word you've ever heard or imagined.  There is absolutely nothing good about hot flashes. Absolutely nothing at all!  Hot Flashes = panic attacks, melted make-up, frizzed out hair, soggy clothes, grumpiness, sleepless nights, sleepless days, frazzled nerves, countless trips to the freezer, crying spurts, fill in the blank here _______________.  I could go on and on -- but, if you're reading this blog you probably already know exactly what I mean, right?

No Sweat Solutions!!
If you're ready to stop sweating today, I invite you to follow my blog on a journey that will help you naturally stop or significantly reduce hot flashes, night sweats, and other horrible symptoms we women must deal with at some point in our lives.

A Cool Gift To You From Me and Mother Nature!
While I will certainly be addressing many more strategies to stop hot flashes in their tracks in future posts (along with other pesky peri menopausal and menopausal symptoms).  Today, I have a gift for you.  Just a little something something to say thank you for viewing my blog.  This is one of those gifts that keeps on giving.  In addition to giving many women cooler days and nights -- this gift is also associated with accelerated weight loss, regulating blood sugar levels, reducing high blood pressure, and more.  But today it's all about knocking down hot flashes in a flash!

Are you ready to unwrap your gift to cooler days and nights? -- Look no further than your kitchen cabinet or pantry!!  Your gift is Apple Cider Vinegar!  But not just any kind -- more specifically: Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with "The Mother" (ORACV).  Here's what to do:

Start Today!!
Mix two (1-2) tablespoons of ORACV with eight (8) ounces of water and take three times a day. Morning, afternoon, and just before bedtime.   That's it!  Many women report instantaneous relief.

Before You Start

Check with your doctor If you are pregnant.

Check wth your doctor if you have high or low blood pressure, high or low blood sugar issues, or are taking medications. Remember ORACV can reportedly impact blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Check with your doctor if you are not sure!

Always drink Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with water.  Drinking it by itself can burn your esophagus and cause digestive and gastriointestinal issues,

Start with the lowest dosage and work your way up.  Adjust dosage as needed.  If your symptoms go away, reduce dosage.  If one (1) tablespoon mixed with water 3 times a day doesn't quite do it for you, increase dosage 1/2 teaspoon at a time.  I do not recommend taking more than 2 tablespoons mixed with 8 ounces of water three times per day (as instructed above).

ORACV is super sour and super vinegary.  Yikes!  If you can't take the taste -- try Apple Cider Vinegar capsules.  You'll find them at your local health food store and online everywhere.

Let me know how this works for you. Questions?  Email me at nomoresweatn101@gmail.com or kNOwSweat101@gmail.com.

Have a fabulously cool day or night!


1.  Mix  5 drops of pure peppermint oil with 15 drops of carrier oil (such as jojoba, or olive). Place mixture in a roller bottle or airtight glass container. Do not use peppermint oil alone.  It will burn your skin. At the onset of a hot flash, rub a small amount of mixture on the inside of your wrist or elbow. You may also rub the mixture on the front or side of your neck.  If you suffer with night sweats, rub a small amount of mixture on the bottom of both of your feet at bed time.

2.  At the onset of a hot flash, simply take a deep sniff of the peppermint/oil mixture mentioned above. Hold for 20 seconds before exhaling  Repeat once or twice.

3.  Mix 15-20 drops of clary sage oil with 10 drops of any of the above mentioned carrier oils. Follow the remaining steps in #1.

4.  Breathe Deep and relax!! At the onset of a hot flash, take a deep breath.  Hold breath for about 20 seconds, then push all of the air out of your chest and relax your body. Repeat 4-5 times.  The hot flash will melt away!

5.  Sniff Sage!  That's right -- sniff culinary sage straight from the ounce container. (the kind that you purchase in the grocery store).Take 3-4 good sniffs and relax.  Your hot flash will melt away.  TIP:  Keep reading the kNOw Sweat blog for more information about Sage and how it can help you in your battle with hot flashes.

Friday, October 27, 2017



Menopause is the period in a woman’s life after she stops menstruating, which marks the end of her reproductive years. A woman’s ovaries manufacture estrogen and progesterone.  These hormones control ovulation and menstruation.  A woman is born with eggs, which are stored in the ovaries.  When a woman’s eggs stop releasing an egg every month and menstruation stops – menopause has occurred.  Menopause is a natural part of aging and usually occurs after 40.  Other causes of menopause include hysterectomy, chemotherapy, or damage to the ovaries.  This is sometimes called premature menopause.  If you’re not sure if you are in menopause – your doctor can confirm with a specific blood test.  Average age for menopause is 51.

Perimenopause usually starts years before actual menopause when the ovaries begin to make less estrogen.  It usually lasts right up until menopause when the ovaries stop releasing eggs. During the last 1 or 2 years of perimenopause is when women usually begin having those dreaded symptoms. (we’ll talk about those in a moment or two)

These are the years after menopause.  Menopausal symptoms usually stop during this time.  However, this is the time that health risks increase for women due to the loss of estrogen.  After menopause women are more prone to Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, Bladder and Bowel issues, Alzhiemer’s Disease, wrinkling and poor elasticity, problems with vision.

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF PERIMENOPAUSE: There are many symptoms.  Here are a few:
Hot Flashes are a very common symptom:  Hot flashes cause a sudden rush of warmth that spreads over the upper body and causes seating and flushing (or blushing).  Hot flashes can be mild, moderate, or severe. 

OTHER SYMPTOMS INCLUDE:  Irregular periods, Mood swings, Fatigue, Insomnia, Depression, Itchy Skin, Heart Palpitations or Racing Heart, Headaches, Muscle and Joint Aches, Lowered sex drive. Vaginal dryness, Bladder Control issues, Forgetfulness, painful sex, vaginal yeast infections.